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The Investigative Project for Establishing Green Living Institution in Taiwan

The aim of green living institution is to use green products in ordinary life. Elevating product categories for government green procurement, leasing green products for consumers, and sustainable development in retail are three approaches to achieve the goal. Evaluation of the feasibility of legislating government green procurement law, promotion of local eco-leasing institution, and evaluation of the sustainability of retail business in Taiwan are primal actions. Due to lengthy legislative procedure, mass cost, and time consumption, government green procurement law legislating is not recommended in current status. Existing laws related to green products are suggested in promoting green purchase. Literature reviews of leasing products are performed through the web sites. Also, the opinions of experts are interviewed and analyzed based on the semi-structured method. In addition, a forum is held to collect all the experts’ opinions and to formulate as the government policies – product green leasing. In order to evaluate the sustainability of retails in Taiwan, a framework for evaluating sustainability of retails is created. The framework is base on The Dow Jones Sustainability Index and it includes some famous sustainability standards. 5 retail companies and 56 retail shops are evaluted. It shows that the sustainability of company and shops are 80.75% and 74.36%, respectly. By exchange opinions with retail companies, shortages of green products and low consumer motivation to green consuming are the difficulties to sell green products. Short-term suggestions are: 1. increasing the catrgories of green products in government procurement, 2. adding leasing in government procurement, 3. purchasing leasing or green service in government procurement, 4. Involving government contractor in government green procurement members, 5. attempting eco-leasing , 6. Combining retail sustainable framework with green store competition amd enterprises environmental protection award, 7. adding retail sustainable indicators in application condition of green store, 8. holding sustainability competition with other government department. Long-term suggestions are: 1. subsidizing leasing companies, 2. establishing database of environmental performance for leasing green product, 3.issuing green credit card, 4. restricting non-green product selling, 5. establishing a consortium with producers, distributors for sustainable development, 6. educating green life institution in environmental education.
Government Green Procurement Law;Eco-leasing;Sustainability of Retail